How to use pyOCD for new target MCU like W7500
What about pyOCD
pyOCD is an Open Source python 2.7 based library for programming and debugging ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers using CMSIS-DAP. Linux, OSX and Windows are supported.
You can use the following interfaces:
From a python interpretor:
- halt, step, resume execution
- read/write memory
- read/write block memory
- read-write core register
- set/remove hardware breakpoints
- flash new binary
- reset
From a GDB client, you have all the features provided by gdb:
- load a .elf file
- read/write memory
- read/write core register
- set/remove hardware breakpoints
- high level stepping
- …
Fork mbedmicro/pyOCD repository and Installation
There are repository for pyOCD by mbedmicro.
After then I issued this command for pyOCD installation.
You can install from source by cloning the git repository and running
$ python install
For more information about pyOCD installation, Refer to this URL.
I added flash algorithm and information for W7500 to python code of pyOCD project.
There are my commit log for adding W7500 target.
Self Test
After to add my target MCU as W7500, I did test using test script made by mbedmicro.
If this test finished successfully, I think my target MCU is added normally.
This test script include read/write/erase test and register read/write test.
$ cd pyOCD/test/
$ sudo python
------ TEST RESULTS ------
Target Test Result Time
w7500 Basic Test Pass 5.34418797493
w7500 Speed Test Pass 27.8010311127
w7500 Cortex Test Pass 6.81142616272
w7500 Flash Test Pass 131.791074038
Test Time: 171.747846127
All tests passed